Real Estate Development
Low Income Housing Tax Credit Developments
The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program is the most important resource for creating affordable housing in the United States today. The Thomasville Community Development Corporation partners with experienced, mission-driven LIHTC developers to help meet the need for in-town affordable housing that fits our community’s contextual needs.
The program, overseen by the Georgia Department of Community Affairs, offers developers non refundable and transferable tax credits to subsidize the construction and rehabilitation of housing developments that have strict income limits for eligible tenants and their cost of housing.
For more information on current projects, contact TCDC LIHTC Project Manager Katie Chastain.

Infill Neighborhood Development
To support locally driven infill neighborhood development, the TCDC is working with local lenders and community partners to establish a COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LOAN FUND. The Community Development Loan Fund will provide access to low-interest capital for minority and non-profit developers creating high-quality affordable and workforce housing products in the Traditional Neighborhoods URA. (Proposed URA is below)
For more information on the Community Development Loan Fund, please contact Melvin Hugans.