Jamorrhee(Jay) Davis and his nonprofit organization was awarded a "Community Activities Grant" to support the ‘4th Annual Back to School HustleFest. The Thomasville Community Development Corporation(TCDC) would like to thank Jay, his family and friends for allowing us to help make this event possible. TCDC would like to give special recognition to the organizations and people that partnered with Jay:
Jay’s Aunt Kenya Carter
Jay’s Sister, Shay Davis, provided hair styles for the girls
Owners of the Wright Street Market, the McNish Family
Mr. Pavo, the Barber who provided haircuts
Chef Alvin Davis, for working his magic on the grill
Special friends Climmie Mosley and Ryan Rice for showing up
This event was amazing, 350 kids received books bags loaded with school supplies, enjoyed the water slide and great food. The Neighborhood Activities Grant is 1 of 3 grants offered
through TCDC’s Neighborhood Improvement Grants Program. The Activities Grant are for
temporary or pilot “placemaking “ activities, public art, educational programs, public service projects, or other activities that bring people together within a focus neighborhood. We also provided home improvements grants and commercial facade grants.
The Neighborhood Improvement Grant program is made possible through funding from the City of Thomasville. TCDC is currently seeking other funding opportunities to
support our Neighborhood Improvement efforts to revitalized our underserved neighborhoods.
