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Partnership Highlight!

Earl Williams

What do you know about Heirs Property?

Our partner Georgia Heirs Property Law Center has a list of Myths and Facts below.

WHO OWNS HEIRS PROPERTY, WHERE IT’S LOCATED AND ITS IMPACT ON GEORGIA’S ECONOMY MYTH: My family is unique; we own land collectively. MYTH: I’ve never heard of heirs property so I must not have it. MYTH: Heirs property is only found in one area of Georgia. MYTH: Heirs property only has negative consequences for the owners and not for me. MYTH: People who have heirs property know that they have heirs property. SELLING HEIRS PROPERTY IN WHOLE OR PART MYTH: It’s not important to clear title to heirs property because heirs property status protects the property by preventing it from being sold. MYTH: As an heirs property owner I can sell timber or produce from the heirs property

WHO IS AN HEIR? MYTH: A spouse has to be on the deed to inherit a share of the property. MYTH: Heirs property is a family problem and they are solely responsible for solving it. © 2023 Georgia Heirs Property Law Center

Find out more on the Georgia Heirs Property Law Center Website.

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